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You are here: Home Courses CS492A Automated SW Analysis, Fall 18 homework hw-sort.c


hw-sort.c — C source code, 798 bytes

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#define N 5

void sort(int *a, int a_size ) {
  int i,j, tmp;
  for(i=0; i<a_size-1; i++)
    for (j=i+1; j<a_size-1; j++) {
      if (a[i] > a[j]){
         tmp = a[i];
         a[i] = a[j];
         a[j] = tmp;

void environment_setup(int *a, int a_size) {
    /* To fill out: 
       Assign random *unique values* to a[], 
       each of which ranges from 1 to 99 */  

int main(){  
    int data[N], i;

    environment_setup(data, N);

    printf("Input: ");
    for(i=0; i< N; i++) printf("%d,", data[i]);

    sort(data, N);

    printf("Output: ");
    for(i=0; i< N; i++) printf("%d,", data[i]);

    // Checking the sorted result
    for(i=0; i < N-1; i++) 

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