CS655 System Modeling and Analysis, Fall 08
- Sep 1st
- the first class starts on Sep 2nd
- No classes on Sep 16th and 18th due to Automated Software Engineering 08
- Sep 2nd: CS655 BBS is open
- Sep 25th: We will have a supplementary class on Sep 30
- Sep 30th: No class on Sep 30
- Oct 28th: Midterm Exam on Nov 13th 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Oct 30th: HW#2 due Nov 11th
- Nov 11th
- Reading paper list is uploaded (updated with assignment information).
- No class on Dec 2nd and Dec 4th due to APSEC 2008
- Nov 20th: HW#3 "Specification & Verification of the Ricart-Agrawala algorithm" - due Dec 11th
- Nov 28th:
- If you have a trouble to play your presentation video clip, install AVC codec and then try it again. Windows media player 11 and Kmplayer worked fine.
Administrative Information
- Instructor: Moonzoo Kim
Office: 2434 (located at the east wing)
E-mail: moonzoo@cs.kaist.ac.kr
Office hour: Tues & Thr 17:30-18:30
(reservation e-mail would be preferred)
- Teaching assistants:
Changki Hong
Office: 2438 (located at the east wing)
E-mail: kornin83@gmail.com
Phone: 042-869-3583
Office hour: Wed 4:00-7:00 PM
(reservation e-mail would be preferred)
- Lecture hours: Tue & Thur 16:00 PM - 17:30 PM
- Lecture room: 2443 (a.k.a the 3rd lecture room)
- Prerequisite: CS204 Discrete mathematics
- Grading: HW (3~4 times): 40%, Midterm exam: 30%, Seminar presentation:30%
- Late HW is accepted with 20% penalty in 1 day, 40% penalty in 3 days. HW will not be accepted after that.
- Note: The official language in the class is English. All students should submit homeworks in English.
- Background
As more and more computing systems are deployed as embedded systems in our daily life, the correctness of these systems are becoming crucial issue. Unfortunately, current status of research on design and analysis of such systems is not mature enough for realizing ubiquitous computing without risk. Formal modeling and analysis techniques can increase the reliability of computing systems with rigorous modeling and (semi)exhaustive analysis. This class focuses on practical application of formal modeling and analysis techniques for software systems. - Topics covered during
First, we will cover model-oriented approach as a starting point. We will handle Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS), NuSMV, and Promela for this purpose. Process algebra CCS has its advantage in concise syntax and clear semantics and serves as a basic framework of formal verification. In contrast, Promela is a comparatively rich language similar to C. Thus, Promela is more suitable to modeling real systems. NuSMV is in between them. Finally, we will study currently available code-oriented approaches such as CBMC and BLAST. In these frameworks, a key is how to extract a formal from a complex code through sound abstraction. - For the purpose of the class, this class involves intensive modeling and analysis practice based on the open source tools.
Course Material
- Reading list
- Process Algebra by R.Cleaveland and S.A.Smolka
- Proving Testing Preorders for Process Algebra Descriptions by F.Corno. et al.
- End-to-End deployment of Formal Methodology - a case study on multiple reader/writer program by M.Kim and I.Kang
- The Linear Time-Branching Time Spectrum I by R.J. van Glabbeek
- Logic in Computer Science 2nd ed by M. Huth and M.RyanLyan
- The Model Checker Spin by G.Holzmann
- or The Spin Model Checker 2nd ed by G.Holtzman (Addision-Wesley): Ch2-Ch4, Ch 6
- A Tool for Checking ANSI-C Programs
- Related tool list
Course Schedule
Wk 1~4 (Sep 2 ~ Sep 30) : Process algebraic approach - CCS and concurrent workbench
Sep 2: Orientation of the class
Sep 4: Intro. to Process Algebra
Sep 9: Formal Semantics of CCS
Sep 11: Examples of CCS models
Sep 23: Equivalence Semantics of CCS
Sep 25: Case study of multiple reader/writer system
Sep 30: Equivalence hierarchy
Oct 7: Algebra of Communicating Shared Resource (ACSR)
Oct 9th: Computational Tree Logic
Oct 14th: Model checking- NuSMV (1/2)
Oct 16th: Model checking- NuSMV (2/2)
Oct 28th: Model checking- Spin (1/3), Spin (2/3)
Oct 30th: Spin - advanced features
Nov 4th: SAT-based C program analysis, Algorithm for SAT
Nov 6th: Case studies - comparison of various model checkers
- "Formal Verification of a Flash Memory Device Driver - an Experience Report" (Spin '08)
Nov 11th:"Unit Testing of Flash Memory Device Driver through a SAT-based Model Checker" (Automated Software Engineering '08)
Nov 13th: Midterm Exam
Nov 18th: PVS (prototype verification system) by Dr. Taeho Kim @ ETRI
Nov 20th:
- Lazy Abstraction by T.A.Henzinger, et al. POPL'02 (Yunho Kim)
- Zing: Exploiting Program Structure for Model Checking Concurrent Software by T. Andrews, et al. CONCUR '04 (Changki Hong)
Nov 25th:
- Life, Death, and the Critical Transition: Finding Liveness Bugs in Systems Code by C.Kilian, et al. NSDI '07 (A.D.Quang)
- Model Checking Programs by W.Visser ASE '03 (Hyunik Na)
Nov 27th:
- Thorough Static Analysis of Device Drivers by T.Ball, et al. EuroSys '06 (Junghoon Park)
- CUTE: A Concolic Unit Testing Engine for C by K.Sen, et al. FSE '05 (Anna Chen)
Dec 9th:
The Daikon system for dynamic detection of likely invariants by M.D.Ernst, et al. Science of Computer Programming 69 (2007) (B.Chervet)
The Software Model Checker Blast: Applications to Software Engineering by D. Beyer, et al. STTT '07 (Yunho Kim)
Dec 11th:
- Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Programs by Ishai Rabinovitz and Orna Grumberg, CAV 2005 (Changki Hong)
- Fair Stateless Model Checking by Madanlal Musuvathi, Shaz Qadeer, PLDI 2008 (A.D.Quang Pham)
Dec 16th:
- Dynamic Recognition of Synchronization Operations for Improved Data Race Detection by Chen Tian, Vijay Nagarajan, Rajv Gupta, Sriraman Tallam, ISSTA 2008 (Hyunik Na)
- BLASTing Linux code by Mühlberg, J. T. and Lüttgen, G., FMICS 2006 (Junghoon Park)
Dec 18th:
Automated Environment Generation for Software Model Checkingh by Okasana Tkachuk, Matthew B. Dwyer, Corina S. Pasareanu, ICSE 2003 (Anna Chen)
- Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors by Junfeng Yang, et al. OSDI 2004 (B. Chervet)