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  1. S.Cha, J.Y.Choi, M.Kim, I.Lee, M.Viswanathan (Eds.), Proceeding of 6th International Symposium of Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (LNCS5311), Seoul, Korea, October 20-23, 2008 [BibTeX]

International Journals

  1. A. Lee, Y. Choi, S. Hong, Y. Kim, K. Cho, M. Kim, ZigZagFuzz: Interleaved Fuzzing of Program Options and Files, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), Volume 34, Issue 2, January 2025
  2. N. Lee, Y. Kim, M. Kim, D. Ryu and J. Baik, Directed Model Checking for Fast Abstract Reachability Analysis, IEEE Access, Volume 9, page 158738-158750, Nov 25, 2021.
  3. Y. Kim, D. Lee, J. Baek, M. Kim, MAESTRO: Automated Test Generation Framework for High Test Coverage and Reduced Human Effort in Automotive Industry, IST,  Volume 123, July 2020
  4. Y. Kim, S. Mun, S. Yoo, and M. Kim, Precise Learn-to-Rank Fault Localization using Dynamic and Static Features of Target Programs, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), Volume 28 Issue 4, October 2019
  5. S. Hong, T. Kwak, B. Lee, Y. Jeon, B. Ko, Y. Kim, and M. Kim, MUSEUM: Debugging Real-World Multilingual Programs Using Mutation Analysis, Information and Software Technology (IST), volume 82, pages 80-95, Feb 2017
  6. S. Hong, M. Staats, J. Ahn, M. Kim, G. Rothermel, Are Concurrency Coverage Metrics Effective for Testing: A Comprehensive Empirical InvestigationJournal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR), volume 25, issue 4, pages 334-370, June 2015
  7. S. Hong and M. Kim, A survey of race bug detection techniques for multithreaded programmes, Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR), volume 25, issue 3, pages 191-217, May 2015
  8. Z. Xu, Y.Kim, M. Kim, M. Cohen, and G. Rothermel, Directed Test Suite Augmentation: An Empirical InvestigationJournal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR), volume 25, issue 2, pages 77-114, March 2015
  9. Y.Kim, O.Choi, M.Kim, J.Baik, and T.Kim, Validating Software Reliability Early through Statistical Model Checking, IEEE Software, pages 35-41, vol 30, issue 3, May/June 2013
  10. S. Hong and M. Kim, Effective Pattern-driven Concurrency Bug Detection for Operating Systems, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), vol 86, issue 2, pages 377–388, Feb 2013
  11. M.Kim, Y.Kim and Y.Choi, Concolic Testing of the Multi-sector Read Operation for Flash Storage Platform Software, Formal Aspects of Computing (FACJ), vol 24, no 2, pp 355-374, May 2012 [BibTeX]
  12. Y.Choi and M.Kim, Controlled Composition and Abstraction for Bottom-up Integration and Verification of Abstract Components, Information and Software Technology (IST), vol 54, issue 1, page 119-136, Jan 2012 [BibTeX]
  13. M.Kim, Y.Kim, and H.Kim, A Comparative Study of Software Model Checkers as Unit Testing Tools: An Industrial Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), vol 37, no 2, pages 146-160, March 2011 [BibTeX]
  14. J.Esposito and M.Kim, Using Formal Modeling with an Automated Analysis Tool to Design and Parametrically Analyze a Multi-robot Coordination Protocol: a case study, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Part A, vol 37, no.3, pages 285-297, May 2007 [BibTeX]
  15. M.Kim, S.Kannan, I.Lee, O.Sokolsky, and M.Viswanathan, Java-MaC: A Run-Time Assurance Approach for Java Programs, Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD), vol 24, no 2, pages 129-155, Mar 2004 [BibTeX]
  16. K.Bhargavan, C.A.Gunter, M.Kim, I.Lee, D.Obradovic, O.Sokolsky, and M.Viswanathan, Verisim: Formal Analysis of Network Simulations, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), vol 28, no 2, pages 129-145, Feb 2002 [BibTeX]


International Conferences


    1. S.Moon, Y.Kim, M.Kim, S.Yoo, Ask the Mutants: Mutating Faulty Programs for Fault Localization, IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), May 27-31, 2024 (Most Influential Paper Award) [MIP Presentation slides]


    1. A. Lee, I. Ariq, Y. Kim, and M. Kim, POWER: Program Option-Aware Fuzzer for High Bug Detection AbilityIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), April 4 - 13, 2022 [slides]
    2. R. S. Herlim, Y. Kim, and M. Kim, CITRUS: Automated Unit Testing Tool for Real-world C++ ProgramsIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) Testing Tools track, April 4 - 13, 2022 [slides]


    1. R. S. Herlim, S. Hong, Y. Kim, and M. Kim, Empirical Study of Effectiveness of EvoSuite on the SBST 2020 Tool Competition BenchmarkProceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), Bari, Italy, October 11-15, 2021 [slides]


    1. S.Kannan, M.Kim, I.Lee, O.Sokolsky and M.Viswanathan, A Retrospective Look at the Monitoring and Checking (MaC) Framework, Runtime Verification (RV), Porto, Portugal, Oct 10, 2019 (Test of Time Award)
    2. Y. Kim, S. Hong and M. Kim, Target-Driven Compositional Concolic Testing with Function Summary Refinement for Effective Bug DetectionThe ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), ALLINN, ESTONIA, AUGUST 26-30, 2019 (acceptance rate:24.4%) [slides]
    3. Y. Kim, D. Lee, J. Baek, and M. Kim, Concolic Testing for High Test Coverage and Reduced Human Effort in Automotive IndustryIntl. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE) Software Engineering In Practice (SEIP) track, Montreal, Canada, May 25-31, 2019 (acceptance rate:25%) [slides]


    1. Y. Kim, Y. Choi, and M. Kim, Precise Concolic Unit Testing of C Programs using Extended Units and Symbolic Alarm FilteringIntl. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27-June 3, 2018 (acceptance rate:21%) [slides]
    2. Y. Kim, S. Hong, B. Ko, L. Phan and M. Kim, Invasive Software Testing: Mutating Target Programs to Diversify Test Exploration for High Test CoverageIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Västerås, Sweden, April 9 – 13, 2018, Distinguished paper award, (acceptance rate:25%)
    3. L. Phan, Y. Kim, M.Kim, MUSIC: Mutation Analysis Tool with High Configurability and Extensibility, Mutation Workshop,Västerås, Sweden, April 9, 2018  


    1. S. Hong, B. Lee, T. Kwak, Y. Jeon, B. Ko, Y. Kim, and M. Kim, Mutation-based Fault Localization for Real-world Multilingual Programs, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Pages: 464 - 475, Nov 9-13, 2015 (acceptance rate:19%)
    2. Y. Park, S. Hong, M. Kim, D. Lee, and J. Cho, Systematic Testing of Reactive Software with Non-deterministic Events: A Case Study on LG Electric Oven, Intl. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE) Software Engineering In Practice (SEIP) track, Pages: 29 - 38, May 2015 (acceptance rate of SEIP track: 23%) [slides]


    1. Y. Kim and M. Kim, SAT-based Bounded Software Model Checking for Embedded Software: A Case StudyAsia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Pages: 55 - 62, Dec 1-4 2014
    2. S.Moon, Y.Kim, M.Kim, S.Yoo, Ask the Mutants: Mutating Faulty Programs for Fault LocalizationIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Pages: 153 - 162, March 31-April 4, 2014
    3. S. Hong, Y. Park, M. Kim, Detecting Concurrency Errors in Client-side JavaScript Web Applications, IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Pages: 61 - 70, March 31-April 4, 2014 
    4. Y.Kim, Z.Xu, M.Kim, M.Cohen, and G.Rothermel, Hybrid Directed Test Suite Augmentation: An Interleaving FrameworkIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Pages: 263 - 272, March 31-April 4, 2014 


    1. Y.Kim, Y.Kim, T.Kim, G.Lee, Y.Jang, and M.Kim, Automated Unit Testing of Large Industrial Embedded Software using Concolic TestingIEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Experience track, Pages: 519 - 528, Nov 11-15, 2013 [slides]
    2. S. Hong, M. Staats, J. Ahn, M. Kim, and G. Rothermel, The Impact of Concurrent Coverage Metrics on Testing EffectivenessIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Pages: 232 - 241, Mar 18-22, 2013 (acceptance rate:25%)


    1. Y.J.Kim and M.Kim, Hybrid Statistical Model Checking Technique for Reliable Safety Critical SystemsIEEE Intl. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE),Pages: 51 - 60, Dallas, TX USA, Nov 27-30, 2012
    2. Y.J.Kim, M.Kim, and T.Kim,  Statistical Model Checking for Safety Critical Hybrid Systems: An Empirical Evaluation, Haifa Verification Conference (HVC), Pages 162-177, Haifa, Israel, Nov 6-8, 2012
    3. M. Staats, S. Hong, M. Kim, and G. Rothermel, Understanding User Understanding: Determining Correctness of Generated Program Invariants, Intl. Symp. on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), Pages 188-198, July 2012
    4. S. Hong, J. Ahn, S. Park, M. Kim, and M. J. Harrold, Testing Concurrent Programs to Achieve High Synchronization Coverage, Intl. Symp. on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), Pages 210-220, July 2012
    5. Y.Kim, M.Kim, Y.J.Kim, and Y.Jang, Industrial Application of Concolic Testing Approach: A Case Study on libexif by Using CREST-BV and KLEE, Intl. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE), Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) track, Pages: 1143 - 1152, June 2-9, 2012 (acceptance rate of SEIP track:19%) [slides]
    6. M.Kim, Y.Kim and G.Rothermel, A Scalable Distributed Concolic Testing Approach: An Empirical EvaluationIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST),  Pages: 340 - 349, April 17-21, 2012 [slides]
    7. M.Kim, Y.Kim and Y.Jang, Industrial Application of Concolic Testing on Embedded Software: Case StudiesIEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) Industrial track, Pages: 390 - 399, April 17-21, 2012, nominated as a best paper (acceptance rate of Industry track: 23%) [slides]


    1. Z.Xu, Y.Kim, M.Kim and G.Rothermel, A Hybrid Directed Test Suite Augmentation Technique, IEEE Intl. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), Pages: 150 - 159, Hiroshima, Japan, Nov 29-Dec 2 2011 (acceptance rate: 25%) [BibTeX]
    2. M.Kim and Y.Kim, Automated Analysis of Industrial Embedded Software, Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), Pages:51-59, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 11-14 2011  (invited paper) [BibTeX] [invited talk slides]
    3. Y.Kim and M.Kim, SCORE: a Scalable Concolic Testing Tool for Reliable Embedded Software (fixed version), ACM SIGSOFT Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE) Tool demonstration track, pages 420-423, Szeged, Hungary, Sep 5-9 2011 (4 page short paper) [BibTeX]
    4. Y.Kim, M.Kim and Y.Jang, Concolic Testing on Embedded Software - Case Studies on Mobile Platform Programs, ACM SIGSOFT Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE) Industrial track, Szeged, Hungary, Sep 5-9 2011 (4 page short paper)


    1. Z.Xu, Y.Kim, M.Kim, G.Rothermel, and M.Cohen, Directed Test Suite Augmentation: Techniques and TradeoffsACM SIGSOFT Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE), pages 257-266, pages 257-266, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Nov 7-11 2010 (acceptance rate: 20%) [BibTeX]
    2. Y.Kim, M.Kim, N.Dang, Scalable Distributed Concolic Testing: a Case Study on a Flash Storage Platform, Grand Challenge in Verified Software Track @ Intl. Conf. on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC) (LNCS 6255), pages 199-213, Natal, Brazil, Sep 1-3 2010 [BibTeX]


    1. M.Kim and Y.Kim, Concolic Testing of the Multi-sector Read Operation for Flash Memory File System, Grand Challenge in Verified Software Track @ Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages 251-265, Gramado, Brazil, Aug 19-21 2009 (LNCS 5902) [BibTeX]
    2. M.Kim, S.Hong, C.Hong and T.Kim, Model-based Kernel Testing for Concurrency Bugs through Counter Example Replay,  Model-based Testing (ENTCS vol 253, no 2), pages 21-36, York, UK, Mar 22 2009 [BibTeX]


    1. M.Kim, Y.Kim and H.Kim, Unit Testing of Flash Memory Device Driver through a SAT-based Model Checker, IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pages 198-207, L'Aquila, Italy, Sep 15-19 2008 (acceptance rate: 12%) [BibTeX]
    2. M.Kim, Y.Choi, Y.Kim and H. Kim, Formal Verification of a Flash Memory Device Driver - an Experience Report, Spin Workshop (LNCS 5156), pages 144-159, LA, USA, August 10-12 2008 [BibTeX]
    3. M.Kim, Y.Kim, Y.Choi, and H.Kim, Pre-testing Flash Device Driver through Model Checking Techniques, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), pages 475-484,  Lillehammer, Norway, April 9-11 2008  (acceptance rate: 20%) [BibTeX]

    2007 and before:

    1. M.Kim, Formal Modeling and Verification of High-Availability Protocol for Network Security Appliances, Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA) (LNCS 4762), pages 489-500, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 22-25 2007 (short paper) [BibTeX]
    2. K.C.Kang, J.Lee, B.Kim, M.Kim, C.Seo, and S.Yu, Re-engineering a Credit Card Authorization System for Maintainability and Re-usability of Components: a Case Study, Intl. Conf. on Software Reuse (ICSR)(LNCS 4039), pages 156-169, Turin, Italy, June 12-15 2006 [BibTeX]
    3. M.Kim and K.C.Kang, Formal Construction and Verification of Home Service Robots: A Case StudyAutomated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA) (LNCS 3707), pages 429-443, Taiwan, Taipei, Oct 4-7 2005 [BibTeX]
    4. K.C.Kang, M.Kim, J.Lee, and B.Kim, Feature-oriented Re-engineering of Legacy Systems into Product Line Assets: A Case Study, Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) (LNCS 3714), pages 45-56, Rennes, France, Sep 26-29 2005 [BibTeX]
    5. M.Kim, J.Lee, K.C.Kang, Y.Hong, and S.Bang, Re-engineering Software Architecture of Home Service Robots: A Case Study, Intl. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE) Experience track, pages 505-513, St. Louis Missouri, USA, May 15-21 2005 (acceptance rate of Experience track: 19%) [BibTeX]
    6. K.C.Kang, M.Kim, J.Lee, B.Kim, Y.Hong, H.Lee, and S.Bang, 3D Virtual Prototyping of Home Service Robots Using ASADAL/OBJ, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 2903-2908, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22 2005 [BibTeX]
    7. M.Kim, K.C.Kang, and H.Lee, Formal Verification of Robot Movements-a Case Study on Home Service Robot SHR100, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4739-4744, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22 2005 [BibTeX]
    8. M.Viswanathan and M.Kim, Foundations for the Run-time Monitoring of Reactive Systems: Fundamentals of the MaC Language, Intl. Conf. on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC) (LNCS 3407), pages 543-556, Guiyang, China Sep 20-24 2004 [BibTeX]
    9. M.Kim, S.Kannan, I.Lee, O.Sokolsky, and M.Viswanathan, Computational Analysis of Run-time Monitoring – Fundamentals of Java-MaCRuntime Verification (RV) (ENTCS vol 70 no 4), pages 80-94, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 26 2002 [BibTeX]
    10. M.Kim, I.Lee, U.Sammapun, J.Shin, and O.Sokolsky, Monitoring, Checking, and Steering of Real-time Systems, Runtime Verification (RV) (ENTCS vol 70 no 4), pages 95-111, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 26 2002 [BibTeX]
    11. M.Kim, S.Kannan, I.Lee, O.Sokolsky, and M.Viswanathan, Java-MaC: a Run-time Assurance Tool for Java Programs, Runtime Verification (RV) (ENTCS vol 55 no 2), pages 218-235, Paris, France, July 23 2001 [BibTeX]
    12. K.Bhargavan, C.A.Gunter, M.Kim, I.Lee, D.Obradovic, O.Sokolsky, and M.Viswanathan, Verisim: Formal Analysis of Network Simulations, ACM Intl. Symp. on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), pages 2-13, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 22-24 2000 (acceptance rate:23%) [BibTeX]
    13. S.Kannan, M.Kim, I.Lee, O.Sokolsky, and M.Viswanathan, Run-time monitoring and steering based on formal specifications, Modeling Software System Structures in a Fastly Moving Scenario, pages 167-177, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, June 13-16 2000 (invited paper) [BibTeX]
    14. R.Alur, J.Esposito, M.Kim, V.Kumar and I.Lee, Formal Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study in Multi-robot CoordinationWorld Congress On Formal Methods (FM) (LNCS 1708), pages 212-232, Toulouse, France, Sep 20-24 1999 [BibTeX]
    15. I.Lee, S.Kannan,  M.Kim, O.Sokolsky, M.Viswanathan, Runtime Assurance Based On Formal Specifications, Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), pages 279-287, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 28 - July 1, 1999 [BibTeX]
    16. M.Kim, M.Viswanathan, H.B.Abdallah, S.Kannan, I.Lee and O.Sokolsky, Formally Specified Monitoring of Temporal Properties, European Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), pages 114-122, York, UK, June 9-11, 1999 [BibTeX]
    17. O.Sokolsky, S.Kannan, M.Kim, I.Lee and M.Viswanathan , Steering of Real-Time Systems based on Monitoring and Checking, Fourth International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, pages 11-18, Santa Barbara, California, USA, Jan 27-29, 1999 [BibTeX]
    18. I.Lee, H.Ben-Abdallah, S.Kannan, M.Kim, O.Sokolsky, M.Viswanathan, A Monitoring and Checking Framework for Run-time Correctness Assurance, Korea-U.S. Technical Conference on Strategic Technologies, Oct 1998

    Domestic Journals (Written in Korean)

    1. 최영석, 이아청, 남효주, 이인섭, 정남훈, 조규태, 김문주, 유닛 동적 상태 데이터 기반회귀 유닛 테스팅의 오탐 필터링 기법, Journal of KIISE, VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11, NOVEMBER 2024
    2. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 커맨드 라인 옵션을 변이 및 선택하여 테스팅 효과를 높이는 퍼징 기법, Journal of KIISE, Vol.49, Num. 11, Nov 2022
    3. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 동적 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징 커버리지 향상 기법, Journal of KIISE, Vol.48, Num. 4, Apr 2021
    4. 박건우, 이주현, 송형곤, 조규태, 김윤호, 김문주, 국방 무기 체계 SW 품질 향상을 위해 Concolic 테스팅을 통한 테스트 자동 생성, Journal of KIISE, Vol. 46, Num. 9, Nov 2019
    5. 김현우, 김윤호, 김문주, Concolic 테스팅 도구 CROWN의 적용 가능성 및 사용성 개선 연구, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 45, Num. 10, Oct 2018
    6. 임현수, 김윤호, 김문주, C 프로그램의 동적 및 정적 분석을 통한 시스템 실행에서의 유닛 입력 값 자동 수집 및 재연, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 45, Num. 10, Oct 2018
    7. 김윤호, 김현우, 양웅규, 김문주, 효과적인 변이 분석을 위한 C 프로그램 변이 도구 비교: Proteum과 Milu를 사용한 사례 연구, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 45, Num. 4, Apr 2018
    8. 김윤호, 김문주, 안드로이드 커널 모듈 취약점 탐지를 위한 자동화된 유닛 테스트 생성 기법, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 44, Num. 2, Feb 2017
    9. 전이루, 김윤호, 홍신, 김문주, Mutagen4J: 효과적인 Java 프로그램 변이 생성 도구, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 43, Num. 9, Sep 2016
    10. 김윤호, 김태진, 김문주, 이호정, 장훈, 박민규, 효과적인 내장형 소프트웨어의 정수 확장(Integer Promotion) 버그 검출 기법, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 43, Num 6, Jun 2016
    11. 문영주, 김문주, 김태효, 내장형 시스템을 위한 아키텍처 모델링 언어 개발, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol. 41, Num. 4, Apr 2014
    12. 박용배, 홍신, 김문주, 크로스-브라우저 프로파일링을 통한 웹 어플리케이션 성능버그 탐지, Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 19, Num. 11, Nov. 2013
    13. 문석현, 김윤호, 김문주, FEAST: 테스트 케이스의 결함 실행확률을 이용한 향상된 결함 위치추정 기법, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol 40, Num 10, Oct 2013
    14. 김윤호, 박용배, 김문주, 사례연구를 통한 정적 프로그램 분석 기법을 사용하는 도구의 비교, Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters,Vol 19, Num 8, Aug 2013
    15. 김윤호, 김문주, 장윤규, CREST-BV: 임베디드 소프트웨어를 위한 Bitwise 연산을 지원하는 향상된 Concolic 테스팅 기법, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, Vol 40, Num 2, Feb 2013
    16. 김영주, 김문주, 김윤호, 정의준, Concolic Testing 도구 KLEE의 다양한 탐색 방법 비교, Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol 18, Num 4, Apr 2012
    17. 김문주, 홍신, "모델기반의 커널 테스팅 프레임워크", Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications,  Vol  36, Num 7,  July 2009

    Domestic Conferences (Written in Korean)

    1. 김지웅, 강영빈, 이아청, 김문주, 홍신, OSS-Fuzz 테스트 이력을 활용한 체계적인 프로젝트 교차-결함 사례의 수집Korea Conference on Software Engineering, Jan 20-22, 2025
    1. Letian Zhang, 이아청, 김문주, Challenges in Automated Unit Testing of Complex C++ Programs, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 20-22, 2023
    2. 김윤삼, 김문주, Concolic 테스팅과 Fuzzing을 결합한 유닛 테스팅 자동화 기술 , Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Jan 2022 (short paper)
    3. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 유용한 커맨드 라인 옵션을 선택하여 커버리지와 오류 탐지 능력을 높이는 퍼징 기법, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 20-22, 2021 (Best paper award)
    4. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징의 커버리지 향상, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 18-20, 2019 (Best paper award)
    5. 박건우, 송형곤, 이주현, 조규태, 김윤호, 김문주, 국방 무기 체계 SW 품질 향상을 위한 Concolic 테스팅 기술, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 19-21, 2018 (Distinguished best paper award) [poster]
    6. 홍신, 김윤호, 김문주, 윤석영, 정한웅, 박사천, AtomicitySanitizer: C 멀티쓰레드 프로그램에 대한 실행연속성 위반 결함 검출 도구, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 19-21, 2018 (Best presentation award)
    7. 이아청, 김현우, 김윤호, 김문주, Bitfield 심볼릭 지원을 통한 Concolic 테스팅 효과 향상, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Jun 20-22, 2018
    8. 김현우, 김윤호, 김문주, Concolic 테스팅 도구 CREST 의 사용자 친화성 향상 연구: Windows OS 로의 포팅과 개선된 CREST UI 을 통한 CREST 활용 및 분기 커버리지 분석 작업의 효율 증가, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Jan 29-31, 2018 (Best paper award)
    9. 임현수, 김윤호, 김문주, 시스템 테스트 케이스를 이용한 C 프로그램의 동적 유닛 입력 값 자동 수집 및 재연 기술, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 20-22, 2017 (Distinguished best paper award)
    10. Phan Duy Loc, 고봉석, 김윤호, 김문주, COMUT: 사용자의 의도대로 효과적인 변이를 생성할 수 있는 C 프로그램 변이 도구, Korea Software Congress (KSC), Dec 20-22, 2017 (Best paper award)
    11. 김윤호, 김현우, 양웅규, 김문주, 효과적인 변이 분석을 위한 C 프로그램 변이 도구 비교: Proteum과 Milu를 사용한 사례 연구, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Dec 21-23, 2016 (Best paper award)
    12. 김윤호, 김문주, 안드로이드 커널 모듈 취약점 탐지를 위한 자동화된 유닛 테스트 생성 기법, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Jun 29-Jul 1, 2016 (Best paper award)
    13. 김윤호, 김문주, 입력 커버리지를 활용한 효율적인 동적 기호 실행 탐색 기법, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Jan 2016 (short paper) (Best short paper award)
    14. 김태진, 김문주, 이호정, 장훈, 박민규, 임베디드 소프트웨어에서 발생하는 정수 확장 (Integer Promotion) 버그 검출을 위한 정적 분석 기법, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Dec 17-19, 2015 (Best paper award)
    15. 박용배, 홍신, 김문주, 조준희, 이동주, 장훈, 이벤트 기반 임베디드 소프트웨어를 위한 자동화 테스팅 기법: LG전자 오븐 제어 소프트웨어 사례 연구, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Jan 28-30, 2015 (short paper)  (Best short paper award)
    16. 문석현, 김문주, 변형 프로그램의 동적 정보에 기반한 자동 결함 위치추정, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 12-14, 2014 (4 pages short paper) (Distinguished best short paper award)

    17. 박용배, 김윤호, 조준희, 김문주, 심볼릭 라이브러리를 이용한 효과적인 Concolic 테스팅, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 12-14, 2014 (4 pages short paper) (Best short paper award)

    18. 문영주, 김문주, 김태효, 내장형 시스템을 위한 아키텍처 모델링 언어 개발, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Nov 15-16, 2013

    19. 안재민, 김문주, 자바스크립트 기반 실제 웹 어플리케이션의 오류 조사, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2013
    20. 문석현, 김윤호, 김문주, 테스트 케이스의 결함 실행확률을 이용한 향상된 결함 위치추정(fault localization) 기법, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2013 (4 pages short paper)
    21. 박용배, 김윤호, 김문주, 정적 프로그램 분석 기법을 사용하는 도구의 비교: Coverity와 Sparrow를 사용한 libexif 사례 연구, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Nov 23-24, 2012
    22. 김윤호, 김문주, 장윤규, CREST-BV: 임베디드 소프트웨어를 위한 Bitwise 연산을 지원하는 Concolic 테스팅 기법,  Korea Computer Congress (KCC), June 27-29, 2012 (Best paper award)
    23. 홍신, 김문주, Matt Staats, 기호실행을 통한 자동 생성된 불변식의 검정, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 8-10, 2012 (4 pages short paper)
    24. Duc Bui Hoang, 김윤호, 김문주, A Case Study of the Application of Dynamic Symbolic Execution to Real-World Binary Programs, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 8-10, 2012 (4 pages short paper)

    25. 안재민, 홍신, 김문주, 동시성 프로그램 테스트를 위한 구조 커버리지 기법 조사, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 8-10, 2012 (4 pages short paper)

    26. 김영주, 김윤호, 김문주, Concolic 테스팅 기법을 구현한 KLEE 테스팅 도구의 사례 연구, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Nov 25-26, 2011

    27. 김윤호, 김문주, 동적 심볼릭 수행과 유전 알고리즘을 사용한 테스트 생성 기법 비교, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 9-11, 2011
    28. 김윤호, 김문주, 동적 심볼릭 수행을 응용한 테스트 케이스 자동 생성 도구 비교, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 8-10, 2010

    29. 김문주, 홍창기, 홍신, 검증반례재연을 통한 모델 기반 커널 테스팅, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 9-11, 2009 (Best paper award)

    30. 김문주, 김윤호, 김호태, 모델체킹 도구를 사용한 플래시 메모리 디바이스 드라이버 검증, Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), Feb 20-22, 2008

    Other Publications

    1. 김문주, 김윤호, 홍신, 동적 심볼릭 테스팅(Concolic 테스팅): 효과적인 오류 검출을 위한 실용적인 Whitebox 테스트 입력 생성 기법, 정보과학회지 2019. 4
    2. 이지훈, 김윤호, 김문주 "메모리 모델 적용을 통한 심볼릭 포인터 참조의 구현", 소프트웨어공학소사이어티 논문지 Vol 22, Number 4, Dec 2009
    3. 김문주, 강인혜, "End-to-End Deployment of Formal Methodology – a Case Study on Multiple Reader/Writer Program”, 소프트웨어공학회 논문지 vol 15, no2, 2002
    4. M Kim, M Viswanathan, H Ben-Abdallah, S Kannan, I Lee, O Sokolsky, Mac: A framework for run-time correctness assurance of real-time systems, Technical Reports (CIS dept. Univ. of Penn), 1998

    Dissertation and Thesis

    1. Youngseok Choi, System Execution Data-Driven Function-Level Regression Fuzzing, [ppt] Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2025
    2. Irfan Ariq, Automated Unit Testing Framework for Complex C++ Programs [ppt], [additional file] Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Aug. 2023
    3. Nakwon Lee, A Novel Target Directed Model Checking for Fast Abstract Reachability Analysis [ppt], Ph.D Dissertation, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2022
    4. Zidong Yang, Analysis and Improvement of Unit-level Concolic Testing for Real-world C Programs [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2022
    5. Robert Sebastian Herlim, On Understanding and Improving Automated Unit-level Test Generation for C++ Programs [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2022
    6. Ahcheong Lee, Function Relevance based Fuzzing for Coverage Improvement [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Aug. 2021 (Best dissertation award)
    7. Phan Duy Loc, Effective Mutant Reduction using Fine-grained Mutation Operators [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2020
    8. Kunwoo Park, Effective Concolic Search Strategy Using Dynamic Taint Analysis [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2020
    9. Hyunsu Lim, Concolic Unit Testing With Dynamic Unit Contexts Carved from System Tests [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2019
    10. Hyunwoo Kim, Concolic Testing Guidelines for Test Coverage Improvement: an Industrial Case Study [ppt], Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Aug. 2018
    11. Yunho Kim, Automated Unit Test Generation with Realistic Unit Context Synthesis for Low False Alarms, Ph.D Dissertation, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2017 (Best dissertation award)
    12. Taejin Kim, Coverage Improvement of Concolic Testing by Optimizing Symbolic Array Index Operations, Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Aug. 2016
    13. Taehoon Kwak, Mutation-based Debugging of Real-world Multilingual Programs, Master's Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, Feb. 2016
    14. Shin Hong, Effective and Efficient Test Generation for Multithreaded Programs Using Concurrency Coverage Metrics, Ph.D Dissertation, School of Computing, KAIST, Aug. 2015
    15. Yongbae Park, Automated Testing of Reactive Software with Non-deterministic Events: A Case Study on LG Electric Oven, Master's Thesis, Computer Science Department, KAIST, Feb. 2015 (Best thesis award)
    16. Seokhyeon Moon, Effective Software Fault Localization using Dynamic Program Behaviors, Master's Thesis, Computer Science Department, KAIST, Feb. 2014 (Best thesis award)
    17. Youngjoo Kim, Hybrid Statistical Model Checking Technique for Reliable Safety Critical Systems, Master's Thesis, Computer Science Department, KAIST, Feb. 2013 (Distinguished best thesis award)
    18. Shin Hong, Concurrency Bug Detection through Improved Pattern Matching Using Semantic Information, Master's Thesis, Computer Science Department, KAIST, Feb. 2010 [BibTeX]

    Awards (except Best Paper Awards @ conferences)

    1. Ahcheong Lee, 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징의 커버리지 향상, Best Master's Thesis Award at School of Computing, KAIST, Feb 2022
    2. Ahcheong Lee, POWER: Program Option-Aware Fuzzer for High Bug Detection Ability, Encouragement Award (장려상) at the 13th The Electronic Times ICT paper contest (제13회 전자신문 ICT 논문 공모 대제전), Dec 17, 2021.
    3. Moonzoo Kim, KAIST Outstanding Lecture Award, July 30, 2020.
    4. Ahcheong Lee, Function Grouping을 통한 Fuzzing의 테스트 커버리지 향상 기술, Best Poster Award at the 4th year Samsung DS-KAIST Joint Meeting (삼성전자DS-KAIST 전략산학 4차년도 최종교류회), Aug 20, 2019
    5. Loc Duy Phan, PRINCE: A Novel and Precise Automated Learn-to-Rank Bug Detection, Best Poster Award at the 4th year Samsung DS-KAIST Joint Meeting (삼성전자DS-KAIST 전략산학 4차년도 최종교류회), Aug 20, 2019
    6. Y. Kim, Automated Unit Test Generation with Realistic Unit Context Synthesis for Low False Alarms, Best Ph.D's Dissertation Award at School of Computing, KAIST, Feb 2017
    7. Y. Kim, Effective Concolic Unit Testing based on Realistic Unit, Bronze award at Samsung Humantech paper competition, Feb 2017
    8. 김윤호, 실제적인 유닛 컨텍스트를 활용한 효과적인 자동 Concolic 유닛 테스팅, Second prize at KIISE's 35th competition for graduate students, Apr 2016
    9. S. Hong, Excellent Teaching Assistant Award  CS Department, KAIST (CS453 Software Testing and Verification, 2014 Fall semester), Mar 2015
    10. Y. Park, Automated Testing of Reactive Software with Non-deterministic Events: A Case Study on LG Electric Oven, Best Master's Thesis Award at CS Department, KAIST, Feb 2015

    11. 홍신, 박용배, 조합적 동시성 커버리지를 이용한 효과적인 동시성 프로그램 테스트 생성, Best paper award at KIISE's 33rd student research paper competition (graduate track), June 2014

    12. S. Moon, Effective Software Fault Localization using Dynamic Program Behaviors, Best MS thesis award at CS dept. KAIST, Feb 2014

    13. S. Moon and Y. Kim, MUSE: Precise Fault Localization based on Program Mutants, Bronze award at Samsung Humantech paper competition, Feb 2014

    14. S. Hong and Y. Park, WAVE: Testing Framework to Detect Concurrency Bugs in Dynamic Web Applications, Qualcomm Fellowship Award, Aug 2013

    15. S. Moon and Y. Kim, FEAST: Coverage-based Fault Localization with Fault Weights on Test Cases, Best paper award at KIISE's 32nd competition (graduate track), Apr 2013
    16. Y. Park, Performance Bug Detection in Web Applications through Cross-browser Profiling, Grand prize at KIISE's 32nd competition (undergraduate track), Apr 2013
    17. Y.J. Kim, Hybrid Statistical Model Checking Technique for Reliable Safety Critical Systems, Distinguished best MS thesis award at CS dept. KAIST, Feb 2013
    18. M.Kim, 한국정보과학회 소프트웨어 소사이어티 공로상, Jan 2013
    19. S. Hong, COBET: Pattern-driven Concurrency Bug Detection Framework, Bronze award at Samsung Humantech paper competition, Feb 2012
    20. 박용배, 김윤호, 김문주, 정적 프로그램 분석 기법을 사용하는 도구의 비교: Coverity와 Sparrow를 사용한 libexif 사례 연구, Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Best presentation award, Nov 23-24, 2012
    21. 김영주, 김윤호, 김문주, Concolic 테스팅 기법을 구현한 KLEE 테스팅 도구의 사례 연구, Korea Computer Congress (KCC),Best presentation award, Nov 25-26, 2011
    22. 이준희, 공개소프트웨어 운영체제 커널의 정형검증, Silver award at KAIST Undergraduate Research Program (URP), Aug 2008
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